“In the Western world, we hide from death,” writes Alan Watts, asserting that writing your own eulogy can help you “follow your heart and live your best life”. Taking the time to reflect on death helps us gain clarity about what we want to do with our life, Watts emphasizes.
Generally, a eulogy reflects back on a person’s life and what they accomplished, the author explains, recalling the kind of person they were, what they did for others, and the lessons the person delivering the eulogy learned from the deceased. To write your own eulogy, on the other hand, you need to think about what you want to have accomplished once you pass, and what you want people to say – and feel – about you.
Is the same true about estate planning in general? Is it rewarding? Does it bring clarity to life? Definitely, says,” Maryland attorney Stephen R. Elville. “No one really enjoys sitting down and discussing end-of-life issues or incapacity issues, let alone the sharing of personal information with a stranger,” Elville admits, but one benefit to engaging in a comprehensive estate planning process is peace of mind, he’s learned.
At Geyer Law, we agree. And yes, we understand the challenges, fears, and family dynamics that often come into play with legal issues. We understand the fear associated with confronting our own mortality, and that our approach to individuals and families doing estate planning must be particularly empathetic and compassionate.
“Your death is hard. When you add writing an obituary into the process, it’s downright intimidating,” says Sam Tetrault. At its base level, an obituary informs people that a death occurred. It also shares any details about the funeral or memorial service. Many obituaries, however, like eulogies, provide a summary of the deceased’s life and the legacy they leave behind.
A well-crafted estate plan is by nature a very personal affair. It provides for loved ones, while at the same time protecting them from unnecessary hassles and delays. Apart from the important legal assets, though, your eulogy and your obituary help answer this question for your survivors – What do you want to be remembered for?
– by Ronnie of the Rebecca W. Geyer & Associates blog team