Indiana has a special benefit for children of veterans, in the form f a tuition exemption for college.
veterans estate planning
September Thoughts of – and Thanks to – Our Veterans
September is a big month for the Indiana Vietnam Veterans Organization, which hosts the oldest veterans’ reunion in the country.
Thanking Those Who Served and Those Who Serve
Tomorrow we celebrate the National Day of the Deployed, to thank all military personnel, At Geyer Law, we help veterans and their survivors navigate the system and claim benefits.
Working to Protect, Honor, and Provide for Veterans
July is a month with several special days honoring veterans…..
Vietnam Veterans Honored in Indiana
This week marks the 40th year of the all-veterans reunion in Indiana. At Geyer law, we help veterans and their survivors get the benefits they deserve..
Memorial Day a Reminder of 6 Available VA Benefits
There are some less well-known veterans’ benefits that can help both vets and their family members.
Army Vet Helps Both Civilians and Vets Prepare for the Best
his true life story illustrates the importance of life insurance and of estate planning to protect children from disputes and financial burdens.
Need-to-Knows for U.S. Veterans and Their Survivors
Veterans have many choices to sort through and many decisions to make on behalf of themselves, their spouses and children. Decisions must be made about life insurance, retirement benefits, and investments.
Veterans’ Benefits – Too Often Under-Utilized and Incompletely Understood
More than six million Viet Nam war veterans are still alive, most retired. An important part of our practice consists of helping veterans and their survivors obtain VA benefits.
VA Loans Provide Well-Deserved Security to Veterans and Loved Ones
Veterans qualify for home loans with very competitive interest rates, benefits , and features.