Trusts protect what’s yours, so it can belong to your intended heirs and not be lost through creditors or divorce.
Your Own or Your Children’s, Divorce Can Do a Number on an Estate Plan
Divorce definitely impacts many aspects of your estate plan, whether it’s your own or that of an adult child. Here are some precautionary measures to include in your estate plan…
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Three?
In naming family members to receive your wealth, there are three important concerns” creditors, divorce, and unwise or influenced decision-making by the beneficiary.
Post-Divorce Estate Planning Considerations When There are Children
When going through a divorce when there are children involved, there are many important factors too consider in reviewing and making changes to estate planning documents.
Estate Planning Steps to Take the Second Time Around
Love may be lovelier the second time around, but should also be entered into with both feet on the ground. Here is a second marriage estate planning “to do” list…
Larry King’s Estate Plan Calls Attention to the Importance of Wills
Larry King’s holographic will serves as a reminder of the importance of periodically reviewing one’s estate plan, adapting to changed circumstances..
Divorce and Coronavirus – Chicken and Egg?
The pandemic may be the cause of an increased rate of divorces. Many estate planning and retirement planning decisions will need to be made before the paperwork is filed for the divorce.,