For same-sex couples (who might have family members who do not accept them), it is particularly important to document their wishes.
couples’ estate planning
Estate Planning Might Include Frozen Embryos
Can you claim frozen embryos as dependents?
Assets Can Be “Complicated”. Charitable Gift Planning Need Not Be
Sarah Weaver of the Central Indiana Community Foundation shares insights into charitable gift planning and donor-advised funds.
For Elderly Parents, Move Management Begins With “the Talk”
Moving a parent from home into a facility is a sensitive issue, beginning with a very open family “talk”.
Second-Time-Around Indiana Estate Planning
Even with the waning of the pandemic, there has been a surge of clients feeling the need to review and update their estate planning documents. With children now grown and retirement ahead, new planning and insurance arrangements need to be made.
Bypass Trust Helps Avoid Certain Estate Planning Issues
Bypass trusts are especially useful in estate planning, but there are special challenges when it comes to assets in retirement plans such as IRAs and 401Ks.
So What If I Don’t?
Sometimes children don’t understand the consequences of their own actions. When it comes t estate planning, some people might not understand the answer to the question “So what if I don’t do any planning?
Post-Divorce Estate Planning Considerations When There are Children
When going through a divorce when there are children involved, there are many important factors too consider in reviewing and making changes to estate planning documents.
Spousal Disclaimers May Prove More Important Than Ever
Under current estate planning law, when one spouse dies, the other can inherit all the decedent’s assets with no tax. Changes proposed by the current administration could have a devastating efffect on this kind of planning. Read about steps to take to protect spousal inheritances….
Dealing WIth the Widow or Widower’s Tax
“Many couples don’t foresee the possible financial hit if one partner dies, including the tax crunch sometimes called the ‘widow’s tax’,” Jeff Stimpson writes in Financial Advisor, referring to potential tax and cash flow problems faced by women and men after the loss...