There are many estate planning factors to consider before taking early retirement…
retirement planning
Six Key Considerations to Think Through Before Retiring
It isn’t always easy to transition to retirement life. Think carefully through the issues that will be most important to your success and well being BEFORE you retire.
Health and Financial Questions to Understand Before Turning 65
There is a lot to discover, learn, and know about how to proceed in life at age 65 and beyond. With Social Security benefit determinations, health insurance policies, and legal documents in order, you can begin to enjoy being 65.
If You Have Been Laid Off, Should You Take Your Social Security Benefits Early?
If you are close to retirement age and recently lost your job, there is a good chance you may not find work again. For many, this means an unexpected shortage of cash. As retirement can last a long time, you should proceed with caution about finding ways to supplement cash flow if you have lost your job.
Gen Xers Retirement Planning and Longevity
As Gen Xers enter into their 40s and 50s, it is time for them to become active in the creation and execution of their retirement planning. There are many things to consider, including finances, investments, insurance policies, legal documents, living arrangements, and healthcare.
Coronavirus Can Infect the Replacement Ratio
The Coronavirus pandemic has the potential to upend many Americans’ retirement planning, but careful adjustment of estate planning can blunt some of those effects.
How Does the Coronavirus Relief Bill Affect Seniors?
By Dara M. Hensel The $2 trillion economic relief package that Congress passed to help Americans deal with the devastating financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic contains some provisions that affect seniors. In addition to authorizing direct payments to most...
New Law Makes Big Changes to Retirement Plans
By Dara M. Hensel President Trump on December 20 signed a spending bill that makes major changes to retirement plans. The new law is designed to provide more incentives to save for retirement, but it may require workers to rethink some of their planning. The Setting...
Buyout vs. Pension Decision Affects Both Retirement and Estate Planning
“The right decision can be a retirement game-changer - and so can the wrong one,” cautions Ed Slott in Financial Planning magazine, referring to the choice many employees are given between a lump sum buyout and a pension. As estate and elder law attorneys, we not only...
Spending Bill Approved by President Trump Important for Geyer law Clients
The SECURE Act approved by President Trump offers many planning opportunities for elder law planning, estate planning, and retirement planning.