Photo of Professionals at Rebecca W. Geyer & Associates P.C.

Caring For Generations

Continuing Care Part of Estate Planning Rubric

On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2022 | advisors, Directives, elder care, Elder law

Open and honest discussion becomes an essential first step in trying to decide whether moving your parent to a new living situation is necessary, as we emphasized last week in this Geyer Law blog,turning to Rita S. Woll of Complete Relocation Solutions for advice on “The Talk”.

Actually, though, “the family talk” should not be left until relocation becomes an imperative. At our Indiana estate planning law firm, Rebecca W Geyer & Associates, we often host (either virtually or in-person) family meetings where clients can not only openly share with loved ones the values and assumptions underlying legacy plans and healthcare directives, but talk about the realities and opportunities for what has come to be known as continuing care.

Continuing care retirement communities allow residents to live in the same community through all stages of their aging process. “There are 20 continuing care retirement communities in Indianapolis, Indiana and three continuing care retirement communities nearby,” explains.

A Continuing Care Retirement Community is an independent living facility or health facility licensed under  Indiana law and must register with the Indiana Secretary of State Securities Division, continuing to register and report its financial condition on an annual basis.

At Geyer Law, we like to think of the estate planning process as “continuing” as well. Because circumstances change both for our clients and for their children, siblings, and grandchildren, documents may need to be reviewed and changed. While couples in their forties or even fifties may not have the selection of a continuing care facility at the top of their minds, decisions made now can affect the spectrum of available choices later.

“Moving to a continuing care retirement community sooner rather than later may be the best approach,” Elaine Howley writes in U.S. News. “CCRCs cater to seniors who don’t want to worry about moving or finding new care as they age and the level of care they need increases.” Because continuing care facilities usually require an up-front investment or “buy-in”, the financial considerations can affect decisions about lifetimes gifts to family members and to charity. In other words, planning a move, even years into the future, should be part of the planning process early on.