The closing of a long-time business in Indiana serves as a stark reminder of the importance of business succession planning for both disability and death.
Business Law
Beneficial Ownership Reports Back on Business Owners’ To-Do-Now List
Business owners need to file the Beneficial Ownership Report this month.
For Business Owners, Estate Planning Becomes Shades More Complex
Business owners have a longer and more complex decision-making process ahead of them in terms of estate planning.
Tending to the Human Side of Business Planning
As we help set Indiana business owners up for success, we remind them of the importance of good human resource planning.
Corporate Transparency Act
If you’re in business, you need to know about the new reporting requirements of the Corporate Transparency Act.
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Families First benefits are now available to free-lancers and independent contractors.
In Selling a Business, Preparation is the Secret to Success
While we help business owners prepare for success, we must also help them be prepared for adverse circumstances j- and to think ahead to how they want to transfer their business to others someday in the future.
Good Business Owners Prepare for Bad Things to Happen
Bad things can and do happen to even very devoted and very skilled business operators, and having contingency plans is a vital aspect of owning a business.
Sooner-Than-Later Business Ownership Gifting
When children are in lower tax brackets than the business owner, gifting of business interests can shift income to them.
Ready, Succession Plan Set, Go
Every single business will go through a transition – a sale, a transition to the next generation, or a liquidation. It’s never to soon to prepare for any of those possibilities….