Grandparents can help fund grandchildren’s education while benefiting their own estate and tax planning.
Pride Month and Juneteenth Reminders of the Need for Estate Planning
Pride Month and Juneteenth are reminders of the need for thoughtful estate planning as part of acceptance and appreciation of our rights and obligations towards others.
Good for Grandparents, Soon-to-be Better for Grandkids’ Education
Law change will help grandparents help their grandchildren with college costs…
Army Vet Helps Both Civilians and Vets Prepare for the Best
his true life story illustrates the importance of life insurance and of estate planning to protect children from disputes and financial burdens.
Medicaid Gifts and Penalties
Medicaid is a federal/state program helping low-income seniors with limited income and assets afford healthcare and long-term care. Many seniors believe their only option to qualify for the program is to “spend down” their assets. While this is true in some cases,...
Life Insurance – An Estate Planning Swiss Army Knife
"Using life insurance successfully can be a complicated - and sometimes very complicated—wealth planning exercise," Joseph Darby III and Kimberly Furnald write in Financial Advisor Magazine. The authors aren't referring to the use of insurance as a way to provide a...
WOTC Benefits Owners and Veterans Alike
Nick Sullivan of Sulivan Business Solutions makes business owners aware of opportunities they have t reduce taxes by taking advantage of government incentive programs.
Geyer Law Honors VietNam Veterans
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Viet Nam war, and it is a time to recognize and thank vets and their families for their service and sacrifice.
Should Writing Your Own Eulogy Be part of Your Estate Planning?
What do you want to be remembered for? Your eulogy helps answer this question for your survivors
Divorce Dictates Diligence in Updating Estate Plans
Divorce has a way of outdating even the best of estate planning documents. In fact, Kaitlin Pitsker observes in, outdated documents, beneficiary blunders and other estate-planning mistakes can tie your assets up in court for years, allowing taxes and...